What Stand Up Comedy Taught Me About Preparation and Performance
OMG I did it! It’s something I’ve always wanted to try: Stand up comedy. And this week I dove head first into this world and told jokes...
The First Step to End Spiraling Self-Doubt
Do you know what is worse than flop sweating or a racing heartbeat? The stories we make up about them. When we go into panic mode...
10 Reason to Take Your Performance Into Public Spaces
Have you ever wanted to try street performing? It's pretty amazing when it's done well, don't you think? Have you ever been going...
The Four Biggest Challenges Actors Face In Auditions and Why
You've worked at your craft for some time now. You've done acting classes. You know you're talented. You're made for this acting...
Is Your Desire Bigger than Your Fear?
If you feel like you have to always "keep it together" and only show only your most confident and bulletproof self, then . . . don't....
Are You A Sensitive Artist? Find Out How It's Really a Superpower Instead of a Hindrance
Do you feel like you're ultra sensitive to the energy of the people around you and feel like you're overstimulated or impacted by cr
Breaking Through the Fear . . . What You Can Expect
Imagine yourself in the audition room free of all fear. Present and calm your creativity soars as you find yourself playful, connected, and
5 Ways You Can Train Yourself to Take Up More Space and Be Visible
As an artist you have to be willing to take up space.
Have you figured this out yet?
Culturally, we are conditioned to play it small, ke
The Must-Have Mindset for Auditions
I've seen this mistake kill so many actor's auditions. . . I mean, it can literally just suck all the joy out of your job as an arti
What To Do When You Choke in an Audition
Have you ever been brought to a dead stop in the middle of an audition because your mind has drawn a complete blank?
It can feel like the r