Are You Grabbing Your Audience or Inviting Them?
Why are we in such a hurry to be entertained? These past few weeks I've been doing stand up comedy a few nights a week and one of the...
10 Reason to Take Your Performance Into Public Spaces
Have you ever wanted to try street performing? It's pretty amazing when it's done well, don't you think? Have you ever been going...
10 Different Types of Street Performers
Street performing acts are as vast and varied as the imaginations of the artists who create them. And with the explosion of the internet...
Disrupt In Order to Create
It's art that pushes against psychological and social expectations, that tries to transform decay into something generative. . . -...
The Must-Have Mindset for Auditions
I've seen this mistake kill so many actor's auditions. . . I mean, it can literally just suck all the joy out of your job as an arti
How to Be Vulnerable Onstage without Losing Your Shit Completely
One of the things that I look for, and what I think makes live performing arts so thrilling, is the element of risk. I want to see some dar