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The Must-Have Mindset for Auditions

I've seen this mistake kill so many actor's auditions. . . I mean, it can literally just suck all the joy out of your job as an artist and make you wake up one day wondering why you ever decided to do this acting thing to begin with. . . Perfectionism. Ever heard of it? When you have set and inflexible expectations of your work it can take you down such a slippery slope and you set yourself up for failure. ugh. That's not what I want for you! In this video I explain the other option. . . a way of thinking that has earned some of my clients high-achieving awards for their work. No joke. Watch this short video (below) where I reveal the Must-Have Mindset for Auditions.

Wanting to feel ready for anything in your auditions? Don't miss the upcoming intensive:

Break Through the Fear! Audition & Performance Lab Intensive . . . >>check it out.

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