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Interested in Voiceover Work? Check this out. . .

Did I tell you yet about, Artella? It's this brand new place to get voiceover work. It's an online animation studio that's literally changing the way movies are made. No joke. Artella has taken what used to only exist in places like Pixar and Dreamworks and created the technology that allow directors, writers, animation artists, and voiceover talent to create movies together from all over the world. Basically, it's an online studio. And I wanted you to know about it so you could get your profile up on there and start applying to projects. I know about Artella because I've been on the team helping to launch it into the world over the last few years. It's made by artists for artists, just launched last year and yet is quickly growing into a large hub of animation, games, and movie creativity! PLUS!!! They need actors! and I'm stoked to happen to know some of the finest ones to recommend like you! Artella is totally free to join as a member, create a profile, join projects. They take no fees from actors whatsoever. It's a perfect place to show off your voiceover reel, and your impressive resume. I figured you'd do really well on there with your pro acting skills;) If voiceover is something you'd like to do more of, then go on and check out Artella now.

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​© 2011-2021 by Holly Shaw.

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Photos by In Her Image Photography

Performers & Creators Lab

Hypnosis, Coaching and Artists' Resources

Oakland and Los Angeles, CA

serving clients internationally since 2011

Los Angeles (424) 835-5234
Oakland, CA (510) 922-0935

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