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"Yes! This is the cutting edge of our cultural evolution  - Holly Shaw leads us into the secret world of ritual and performance."

- Monique Rebelle

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E35 with Dr. Miluna Fausch

Performing with Your Archetypes

September 26, 2018

Want ideas for how you can access different archetypes and use them to create dynamic and commanding performances, talks, or even pitches? Listen to this conversation with performance coach, Dr. Miluna Fausch where she also shares tips on body language and how to know who listen to and let into your “arena.” What is your default archetype? And what could you bring more into the forefront to help yourself get to the next level?  Listen and find out!

E34 with Ranella Ferrer

Creatively Fit, Fabulous and Glowing!

September 19, 2018

You may recognize this week’s guest, singer Ranella Ferrer, from her starring appearance on Khloé Kardashian’s T.V. Show, Revenge Body, and in this week’s episode we talk about how she went from one of the most sought after singers in Hollywood to dropping out of music, gaining weight, and falling into a depression.  Now returning to music full force after Revenge Body, Ranella shares an inspirational look at how important it is to feed our creative fitness as she talks about performing for stadiums of 20,000 people, sharing her gift, and finding love.

Episode 31 with Meli Alexander

Audition with Improv: A Coaching Call with An Actor

August 29, 2018

Ever felt like the audition process is set up to fail you? You’ll love this coaching episode with SAG Hollywood actor, Meli Alexander as she relays a recent co-star audition that didn’t go as she hoped and I coach her through how to approach it better next time.  We talk about how to use your natural gifts in auditions, improvisation as a tool to conquer self-doubt and how to bounce back after bombing.

Episode 30 with Holly Shaw

Raw and REAL! Dealing with Post-Performance Disappointment

August 22, 2018

How do you deal when you are hating on yourself after a disappointing performance? Host, Holly Shaw, records her raw thoughts and hurt feelings as she grapples with a less than stellar performance the night before - straight from her tent at a music and dance festival. Listen as she shares first hand her moment to moment experience, thoughts and how she finally manages to let go of her story and trade the ugly voices in her head for the loving ones of those around her.  Before you downward spiral or give up on yourself, listen to this!

Episode 23 with John Morgan

The "It" Factor and Neuroscience

July 03, 2018

What is the “it” factor, anyway? That charisma or magnetism that we can’t quite explain that makes a certain artist seem to crackle with attractive energy? We act like it’s something that you either have or you don’t. But what if you could cultivate it? This episode, with neuroscientist and founder of Sparkmesh, John Morgan, explores the science and psychology behind the “it” factor. We’ll also talk about how music affects brain activity, what position is best when you’re in a line-up with other artists, the connection between stage fright and trance states, how you communicate with your audience when you don’t even realize you’re doing it and more. Included is a new Initiation Exercise for a pre-show ritual you can use before auditions, going on stage or any kind of public speaking. 

Episode 20 with Billy Procida

Vulnerability Is Sexy

June 06, 2018

Being honest and vulnerable in your performances is hot . . . because it’s captivating! But it can be hard because if you put it all out there then what if people don’t like it? Does it mean they don’t like you? But what if. .  .vulnerability, isn’t as hard as you think it is? What if it’s easy? In this episode, Holly interviews comedian and host of The Manwhore podcast, Billy Procida about how he’s able to be so open about his sex life and relationships and put it all out there for his audience.  Learn from his stories of how he’s navigated social media haters and broadcasting his own breakups in order to create a show that’s been named one of the top 10 sex podcasts by and inspires a devoted fan base that sends him whisky when he’s going through hard times.  Don’t forget to pick up your complimentary Build Your You Are ‘Da Bomb Bio Minicourse here.

Episode 19 with Rebecca Kleinmann

The Creative Formula Live Experience

May 30, 2018

Special Episode! Experience the wisdom of Holly’s creative formula in action as Holly coaches critically acclaimed flutist and composer, Rebecca Kleinmann through this three-step process in this musically rich episode invigorated by the sounds, improvisations, and stories of this intriguing rising artist. Rebecca also shares her biggest regret when it comes to missed opportunities, insider secrets into how she learned to improvise and overcome perfection paralysis, and tales of how she ended up with a hand-written original composition by legend, Hermeto Pascoal, on her kitchen wall. Hear how the creative formula works firsthand! And find exclusive bonus video clips of this episode and others here.

Episode 13 with Meklit Hadero

Audience Alchemy: How to Take Your Crowd with You

April 18, 2018

How do you show up for your audience?  Performing art is a co-creation between you and your audience. . . which can be invigorating when you feel connected, but can be hard if you’re not.  In this episode with guest composer, vocalist and cultural instigator, Meklit Hadero, you’ll learn from her extensive touring experience on how to connect with your audience, how to pick your collaborators, maintain your artistic vision and more! Holly will also share The Watermill exercise which helps you calm nervousness and keep the wheel between you and your audience turning. This episode examines your partnership with your audience so you can feel more at ease and confidence leading the room. Listen to get instructions on how to pick up your podcast gift:  the free Captivate Your Audience Minicourse.

Episode 7 with Hannah Romanowsky

Shake It Off: How to Turn Stage Fright Into Magnetism

March 07, 2018

Have you ever been so nervous that you choked up during a performance or an audition?  Listen as Holly unpacks the surprising truth about stage fright and shares a revelation she discovered that no one else is talking about when it comes to this anxiety that plagues amateurs and experienced artists all the same.  You’ll learn a powerful method for transforming stage fright into magnetism that you can use right away in this week’s Initiation Exercise. You’ll also hear from dance professional, Hannah Romanowsky, and learn how the human body is designed to be a vehicle to move through trauma and fear.  You can find bonus video clips from this episode here.

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I'm looking for personal stories to rock the world, to inspire, to change the way people think about things - from performing artists, creative professionals, and experts willing to share your inspiration, expertise and insights on the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast.


Leave me a voicemail: (415) 870-7064 and have your commentary included on a show!

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"Holly is amazing at pulling deep wisdom out of her interviewees. This podcast is a must listen!

- Data Bunk


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