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Winners Will Be Announced October 10th, 2018 on the Performers & Creators Lab podcast!

SUBSCRIBE to make sure you don't miss it!

Performers & Creators Lab Podcast

Performance Challenge

Take the Performance.jpg



The Challenge

During the entire month of September, the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast is challenging you to take your artistic work - your music, your theater, your dance - into public spaces in order to raise awareness of the urgent need for the inclusion in entertainment and media.  What do we mean by inclusion?  We're talking about people of color, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ, and people of all ethnicities, sizes, and differences.  We want to see more!

It's simple:

  • Share your work in a public space.

  • Videotape your performance.

  • Post it on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or Instagram) using the hashtag #PACLchallenge

  • Now you're Instantly Eligible to Win!

  • Ask your friends to like and share your video to increase your chances of winning.

  • Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast where the winner will be announced on October 10th!

You're Entered to Win:

  • Be the FEATURED GUEST on the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast 2018 season finale where you and your work will be exposed to an audience of thousands of listeners all around the world. 

  • Promotion on social media as your episode goes live!  You'll get free promotion as we share about your work and promote you with our audience and followers on social media channels.

  • VIP Day with Holly Shaw - Coaching by Day/Dinner and a Show by Night: $2,500 Value spend the day with Holly getting coaching, career advice, performance help, video review, support around artistic support, hypnotherapy or whatever combination of support you would like to receive (includes a pre-VIP day 30 min consultation.)  Lunch provided. Then go out with Holly for a night on the town: dinner at a San Francisco restaurant and tickets to a surprise show in SF included!  Note: airfare and accommodations not included

More Prizes and Awards:

In addition to the video with the most likes, there are other awards and prizes you can win for different award categories!  Scroll on down below to see what you could win!

We're calling on an army of artists . . . 

The artist who has the video with the most likes by the end of September 30th, 2018 will be the Featured Guest on the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast 2018 SEASON FINALE EPISODE!

Hip Hop Dancer on Stage
Walking Away

The Performance Challenge Contest


So here are the nitty gritty details:

1. Perform Anytime between September 1st and September 30th take your performance out into the world. This Performance Challenge is about inclusiveness so EVERYONE is invited and encouraged to participate. And please - Keep it safe, Keep it peaceful, Keep it legal.

2. Record Get a video of your performance in a public space.  


3. Share that video on social media (FB, Twitter, or Instagram) with the hashtag #PACLchallenge so we can find it.  Also, add a hashtag of your name and hashtags of any additional award categories you'd like to be entered into.  This Performance Challenge is all about RAISING AWARENESS for inclusiveness in entertainment so you're also expected to add a note on your video or post about this.  For example:  

Hey friends!  I'm sharing this awesome performance I did recently as a part of the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast Challenge #PACLchallenge in order to raise awareness for the urgent need for there to be more inclusiveness in entertainment!  We're combating hate and prejudice by making space for love.  Like and share my video to help me win!  And if you've got a performance in your heart - take it into a space and join the challenge yourself! 

Feel free to copy/paste the above in or your post.

4. Encourage your friends and family to "like" and "share" your video to increase your chances of winning.

5. SUBSCRIBE to the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast so you can be sure to listen for the winner and awards announced on the October 10th episode.



September 1st - 30th, 2018

Perform, Film it, Share it on Social Media with #PACLchallenge and #yourname, and any other categories you'd like to be entered into.  Get your friends to share so you can get as many likes as possible.

Between October 1st and October 5th 

our panel of judges will review the metrics for most likes/shares and the entries for the other award categories.

On Wednesday, October 10th

we'll announce the award winners for the other prize categories.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast in order to catch that episode.


Q: Can I combine this with something I'm already doing/planning to do?


A:  Absolutely!  Already planning a performance in a public space? That's fine.  Just get a video of it, put the hashtag #PACLchallenge on as you share it and instantly be entered to win.


Q: I already did a public or site-specific performance, but it wasn't during the month of September. Can I still use it?


A:  Yes.  You won't be eligible for the grand prize (the winner must do the performance, do the performance and share it within September) but you'll still be eligible for the #BestHistoricPublicPiece Award. See below for details.


Q: Can I enter one video into multiple awards categories?


A. Yes! Feel free to enter into as many award categories as you want.  Simply use each hashtag (see below) every time you share it in order to enter it in that specific category.

Q: Can I enter more than one performance?

A: Yes! Do you love street performing? Feel free to perform more than once and enter a video of each performance!

Q: Can I enter more than one video of the same performance?

A: You're welcome to share more videos of the same performance, but the performance itself will be counted as one entry so you have a better chance of having your "likes" counted all together and not confused as separate entries if you only share one video.


Q: Can I enter with my team, group, ensemble, crew, company etc. enter together?


A. Yes! You're totally encouraged to enlist friends or your ensemble to help! Your entire group is welcome to share the video to get more likes. One performance with a group will be counted as one entry, but members are all encouraged to share the video!

The Cause

We can't love what we don't know. 

Humans tend to fear those things that they don't know. The unknown, the unfamiliar, the other can be scary.  That fear can easily harden into hate. . . But what I know about hate is this:

It takes energy to maintain hate.  But we're hardwired for love.

The world story these days is one of separation, of racism, bigotry, sexism, and fear is the drug that we're fed through media channels . . . fear that can easily harden into hate. 


The world of mass entertainment is starting to make attempts to catch-up and represent more pictures of diversity, through film, T.V., popular music, but they are slow moving. (Just read this article if you don't believe me.) And Hollywood and mass entertainment tells the world what to think about itself. 


Painted Heart

The message? We can't wait for the producers, the "gatekeepers," and the deciders to include everyone.  We need to raise awareness, begin including everyone, and begin taking our work into the world NOW.

Why YOU:


That is why I'm passionate about YOU getting your work into the world now - right now -  To raise awareness.  And also to tell your story. The world needs to see more inclusion in entertainment: more people of color, more persons with disabilities, more LGBTQ, more women, more people of various sizes! You name it. We need to see more of our beautiful human differences onscreen and in the media.  We need representation to make the unfamiliar familiar. To provide new ways of seeing different groups.  New perspectives and new stories so we can shift the overall narrative!

Let's combat hate by making space for love.

And who is going to change the narrative? 

The storytellers, the creatives, the strong imaginations of persistent artists like YOU!

So how are you going to do the Performance Challenge? 

Scroll on down below to see what you can win, get tips and start brainstorming!

The Prizes & Awards

Grand Prize Winner

The video with the most likes will win the following:

  • Be the featured guest on the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast 2018 season finale where you'll be exposed to an audience of thousands all around the world. 

  • Promotion on social media as your episode goes live!  You'll get free promotion as we share about your work and promote you with our audience and followers on social media channels.

  • VIP Day with Creativity Coach & Certified Hypnotherapist, Holly Shaw - Coaching by Day/Dinner and a Show by Night: $2,500 Value - Spend the day with Holly getting coaching, career advice, performance help, video review, support around artistic support, hypnotherapy or whatever combination of support you would like to receive (includes a pre-VIP day 30 min consultation.)  Lunch provided. Then go out with Holly for a night on the town: dinner at a San Francisco restaurant and tickets to a surprise show in SF included!  Note: airfare and accommodations not included

Kari Hall, Actor

"I have so much feeling of well being today! After our session yesterday, I started and finished my actor's website!! This has been on my list for years!! lol I feel super connected to my comedy channel even as I type this, I'm so grateful for you!!"


Second Runner Up

The video with the 2nd most likes/shares will win the following:

  • Be a guest on the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast  - You'll be interviewed as a guest in a 2019 episode where you'll be exposed to an audience of thousands all around the world.

  • Deep Dive Coaching Session with Creativity Coach & Certified Hypnotherapist, Holly Shaw: $900 ValueGet a 3 hour coaching session with Holly where you get support to dive deeply into whatever your biggest challenge is. Coaching, career advice, performance help, video review, support around artistic support, hypnotherapy or whatever combination of support you would like to receive (includes a pre-VIP day 30 min consultation.)  Can be done virtually or in-person. Airfare and accommodation not provided.

Special Category Awards

The winners, selected by a panel of judges, for the categories listed at right will be awarded.

  • Special Mention on the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast - You'll get announced as a winner and a special mention of your work on the show.

  • Private Meet n Greet and Q&A with Holly Shaw Winners will be invited to a virtual hangout with Holly where you'll have the chance to meet and ask questions.


Holly Shaw, CHT, Performance Coach to Emmy Award Winning and GRAMMY nominated artists and Host of the Performers & Creators Lab Podcast

Award Categories

Awarded by the votes of the Panel of Judges (see below for panel)

  • #MostInclusive Awarded to the piece that has the best representation of inclusion.

  • #MostPublic   Awarded to the piece executed in front of the largest amount of people

  • #MostIntimate Awarded to the piece executed in an intimate space or creating an intimate atmosphere, but still in a public space

  • #BestAudienceParticipation Awarded to the piece that invokes the most or best audience participation

  • #MostInnovative Awarded to the piece that has the most innovative approach

  • #MostFunny Awarded to the piece that makes the best use of comedy in its approach

  • #BestSiteSpecific Awarded to the piece that makes the best use of the space in which it is delivered

  • #MostMagnetic Awarded to the piece that captivates the audience and extolls the highest standards of performance 

  • #MostCollaborative Awarded to the piece that displays a high level of collaboration

  • #MovetheNeedle Awarded to the piece that has the most impact on the space, neighborhood, society, city in which it is delivered

  • #BeLove Awarded to the piece that displays, invokes, or reaches the highest level of love

  • #BestHistoricPublicPiece Awarded to the best piece that was performed/video-taped before September 1st, 2018, and is re-shared during the time period of Sept 1-30th, 2018

  • #Represent Awarded to the best piece that represents a group of persons.


Paul Ford

Paul Ford began acting as a child doing commercials for Easter Seals Society, and Jerry Lewis Telethon. Moved to Hollywood, California in 1987. Did some small parts and extra work. Was a professional guitar player from 1988-1998. Now lives and still acting in Southern California and working to organize free resources for persons with disabilities in the entertainment business. . . read more

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Tania Zee

Tania Zee is a SAG-AFTRA guild actor and Film & TV Creator from NYC, currently residing in LA.  Tania stars on television, film, digital, and in network television pilots.  Her dedication & work ethic floods into the realms of writing, producing, and directing across genres, on various platforms; that includes the internationally distributed feature film, The Internship Games, . . . read more

Eileen Grubba Inspiring Lives Magazine c

Eileen Grubba

Eileen Grubba's 

memorable, edgy characters in shows like Sons of Anarchy (2008), NBC's Game of Silence (2016), and HBO's Hung (2009) have gained her a reputation for courageous character work. She is a lifetime member of the world renowned Actors Studio where she is known as a "force" on stage, and often compared to theatre greats Geraldine Page and Kim Stanley. . . read more

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Raz Kennedy

Raz Kennedy has created a legacy for over 40 years that rivals the music industry’s finest. Acknowledged as “the premiere vocal coach in the Bay Area” by Narada Michael Walden (multi-platinum Grammy and Emmy winning producer and musician), his eclectic performance credits include serving as a founding member of the internationally acclaimed Bobby McFerrin’s Voicestra . . . read more


Ron Roecker

Ron W. Roecker has been in the music, entertainment and brand marketing business for 20 years. He’s worked with the biggest brands, artists, celebrities and entertainment properties in the world, including the GRAMMY Awards, Latin GRAMMYs, MTV, CBS Television, Teen Choice, Maroon5, Beyonce, Madonna, Will.i.Am, Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, Netflix’s “Stranger Things,” and more. . . read more

The #PACLchallenge

Panel of Judges

The Benefits of Street Performing and Taking Your Work into Public Spaces

Keep It Simple!

A Note From Holly Shaw:

When I was 21-23 yrs. old I did a lot of world travel and did "busking" or street performing for audiences in Venice, Amsterdam, Prague, the Costa de Sol in Spain and even Key West, Florida!  And I can tell you, there is nothing that will tune you to your audience faster than an audience "on the go!"  Street performing is such a good education for awareness of your performance energy.  


Because they are not a captive audience in their seats, the people on the street will give you the most honest moment to moment feedback about what you are exuding.


Take something simple to a public place for anywhere from 10min-1hr and perform for the public! Remember it is your job to create a little world, or a little magic there and draw people into it. 


Maybe you will feel safer, more free with a friend along.  Up to you. Whatever you do enjoy yourself and the different and quirky things that happen along the way.  It's crazy fun!  

And remember, you belong to an army of artists who are doing this to raise awareness for more inclusiveness in arts and entertainment! This is a good thing! This is #artivism!


Holly performing as a dancing statue in Gibraltar (Spain) back in the day.

Man with Banjo
Rap Musicians
Ballet Dancer in Black

Whatever you do, keep it simple!


This isn't meant to add a lot of performance preparation to your life. Do new work if you want, but old pieces you already know work great. The point is to have the experience of performing in these differently challenging ways so choose to do things you can enjoy freely, be simple about how you go about it (no need to make a new costume - lol!) and just go and get it done.


I suggest that you take about ten minutes RIGHT NOW to decide

where and when you will be performing.


Now, put them on your calendar, invite your friends to join you in the fun and then just go do them when it's time.

Male Musician

Keep It Simple!

Just a Teensy Bit Nervous?

Here's Some Things to Remember

Samba dancer in headdress

Lower your expectations and lower your internal risk factor.

There is no need to be perfect for these performances. And there is no need to even be "liked" when you perform.  It's ok. Staying with yourself and your own Alignment is the main goal.


Align before stepping "onstage."


If you feel lost, find someone to make eye contact with. Smile there while looking at them and take a breath.


Imagine that the audience is "on your side."


Wait to get "into it" until right before you perform.

Don't worry about it all day.


If you feel yourself shrinking from it, then lean in harder.

You can't be scared and commited at the same time, so simply

Commit to the piece of action right in front of you.

Want More Inspiration?

We put together two articles that you can help you get inspired and give you ideas for what you can do!

Click on the links below to go to the blog post:

10 Different Types of Street Performers

10 Reasons to Take Your Performance Into Public Spaces

Got Tips?

Are you a veteran street performer with tips of your own to share?

Join the Performers & Creators Lab Community Group on Facebook and share about your experiences!

Use the hashtag #PACLchallengehottips so others can find your advice!

​© 2011-2021 by Holly Shaw.

  All rights reserved.

Photos by In Her Image Photography

Performers & Creators Lab

Hypnosis, Coaching and Artists' Resources

Oakland and Los Angeles, CA

serving clients internationally since 2011

Los Angeles (424) 835-5234
Oakland, CA (510) 922-0935

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