Inside The Creative Formula, you'll get the foundation for making award-winning work over and over again through:
A simple, but powerful three-part method to creating that helps you grow and cultivate your inspiration to pull the best work out of you!
Highly effective exercises and ideas for making work, suggested exactly the way that you need them to actually create, edit, and polish your work!
Important Compositional Tools like: how to manage a big project, narrow your variables, and how to structure, organize, and edit your work in order to craft show stopping performances.
Extra bonus chapters with tips and clear examples of how the Creative Formula can be used in your own studio, inclassroomsor group workshops, in coaching sessions, and onstage while you're performing
What's inside:

T h e U l t i m a t e G u i d e
to Compose, Choreograph,
and Capture Your Masterpiece
"Inspired genius anchored by skill and professional experience. Shaw writes powerfully about what she knows. I think her creative formula translates well to every form of art." -Honest Opinion
About the Author

Holly Shaw is a creativity coach and choreographer who has spent a lifetime performing on TV, in film, and on thousands of stages all over the world. She has created and performed over 500 pieces of choreography and has been commissioned by the West Wave Dance Festival and funded by the Hewlett Foundation for the Arts, but her biggest passion is helping performers and creators kill it onstage and create original work. In 2015, Holly released the CD Tuning the Creative Mind: Meditations for Performers & Creators. Founder of the Deeper Lab Flamenco Dance Intensive, she teaches and facilitates workshops in flamenco dance composition. Holly also coaches all kinds of performing artists, from Grammy-nominated singers to world-class dancers, in the San Francisco Bay Area and nationwide through the Performers & Creators Lab.